14mm bronze looking bell
14mm bronze looking bell:
Degressive rate according to the quantity you buy. See the price table on the right.
This 14mm bell model has been selected because we find that it has a nice sound for its size.
Quantitative discount on our bells:
On this item, we offer the following quantitative discounts:
- 10% discount from 10 bells.
- 20% discount from 50 bells.
- 30% discount from 100 bells.
The discounts apply automatically according to the quantity of bells you add to your cart.
Origin and sound:
This 14mm bell is very decorative and has a nice tinkle (prettier even than our other bells of similar diameter which generally make less noise).
This bell is made in China. Among our selection of bells, the European-made model that comes closest to it in terms of size is the 15mm golden bell.
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