Beach Free diabolo

Beach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloRed Beach Free DiaboloBlue Beach Free DiaboloYellow Beach Free DiaboloTurquoise Beach Free DiaboloDiabolo Beach Free orangeBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloRed Beach Free DiaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBlue Beach Free DiaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloYellow Beach Free DiaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloTurquoise Beach Free DiaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diaboloBeach Free diabolo
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    Item sold individually without the handsticks nor a string. Be sure to order them separately ! NetJuggler recommends the aluminum handsticks that you can choose from the options on this page.

    Beach Free diabolo equipped with a triple bearings system:

    The main characteristic of this diabolo is to be equipped with an axle with three bearings. The advantage of a bearings system is to lengthen the duration of the rotation of the diabolo which will be able to turn several minutes without needing to be constantly accelerated.

    It becomes easier to chain tricks.

    NetJuggler's opinion:

    Another quality Henrys diabolo with a nice design. It is a bit larger than a mid-size diabolo and can be a good compromise for beginner children. The rings located in the cups give it a better stability.

    Characteristics of the Beach Free:

    • Diameter: Ø 120mm.
    • Width: 140mm.
    • Weight: 215g.
    • Axis: triple ball bearings system .
    • A black and white colour code on each side of the axis, allows you to determine the direction of use of the diabolo.
    • Colour: translucent.

    What kind of use ?

    For all levels: beginners and experienced. Children and beginners will love it because its axis will allow you to catch the diabolo on the handsticks or on your fingers, thus making it possible to make grinds that last forever !

    NetJuggler tips:

    If you are a beginner, NetJuggler recommends adding a string reel to your order. Indeed, beginners have jerky movements that will wear the string out very quickly, in a few hours where the same string will last a few weeks with an experienced diabolist. This may prevent you from spending shipping costs again when your string is worn out.

    Informations about the manufacturer Henrys:

    Henrys is a German brand, which every professional in the field of juggling recommends. Their equipment is known to be robust, it is designed for an intensive use.

    NetJuggler's informations on the diabolo with a bearings system:

    If you are unfamiliar with the triple bearings diabolos, this is how it works: once your diabolo is spinning full speed, it will keep its spinning movement much longer than a normal axis diabolo. Here are some of the advantages:

    • Spinning time up to 20 times greater than normal diabolo.
    • Possibility to chain-trick without having to re-accelerate your diabolo.
    • Wide axis to facilitate many tricks.
    • Minimal friction between the axis and the handsticks during grind/slide tricks.
    • Limited friction during the practice of the vertax (axis of the diabolo vertical).
    Triple bearing for beginners:

    The children and beginners will love this diabolo because its axis will allow you to execute very long grinds, thus making it possible to catch the diabolo on the handsticks or even on the fingers !

    Triple bearing for experienced diabolists:

    An experienced diabolist will be able to execute tricks in Excalibur (or vertax) mode, in which the diabolo will be used in a horizontal plane (with its axis to the vertical).

    Triple bearing for teachers:

    The teachers will have a lot of time to explain the tricks to the beginners because the diabolo won't stops spinning ! No need to be an expert to teach new tricks.

    How do I remove a bearing set from a Henrys diabolo?

    Download our guide to disassemble a bearing set from your Henrys diabolo: Disassembly Guide

    A few drawbacks or limitations of the ball bearings system: it becomes impossible to make all the "elevator" tricks. These diabolos with bearing systems are not made to practice with several diabolos at the same time (except vertax), because they will spin too fast on the string compared to diabolos with normal axys. It may be necessary to change the bearing system once it is damaged, which, of course, never happens on a normal diabolo !

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    Comment / Question

    1. Answer

      quel est la largeur de l'axe ?

    2. Answer
      Diabolo beach free ou diabolo vision free


      Je voudrais vous demander si vous avez un diabolo a me recommander entre le beach free et le vision free car j'aimerais passer au diabolo a roulement a bille.(J'ai 11ans et j'ai un niveau plutôt intérmediaire)

      • Answer
        Re: Diabolo beach free ou diabolo vision free

        Le Beach free est un bon diabolo pour débutant. Il est plutôt divertissant. Le Vision est plus grand ce qui lui donne une meilleure inertie et un meilleur équilibre permettant de réaliser plus facilement plus de figures.

        Sinon il y a aussi le diabolo Hurricane en grande taille qui est équipé de roulements qui ont moins de jeux que ceux du Vision Free et du Beach free.

    3. Answer


      j'ai 11 ans est un niveau que l'on peut considérer comme intermédiaire. Je n'arrive pas a me décider entre le beach free et le cyclone quartzer v2 pouvait me donner votre avis ?

      merci d'avance

      • Answer
        Re: question

        Bonjour, c'est rigolo vous changez d'age en fonction des pages où vous posez vos questions :-) ! Si vous avez un niveau intermédiaire, le Cyclone Quartz est un bon diabolo, mais vous aurez la possibilité de faire davantage de figures avec un diabolo plus grand qui sera plus stable et bénéficiera d'une meilleure inertie (il tournera plus longtemps). Vous avez le Hurricane qui est un bon diabolo plus polyvalent que le Cylone Quartz. Concernant les baguettes, on propose un large choix. Les baguettes en aluminium seront les plus polyvalentes. Les baguettes en carbone ou en fibre sont les plus légères et permettent de mieux ressentir son diabolo dans la ficelle.

        Si besoin, n'hésitez pas à nous appeler avec vos questions, notre numéro de téléphone se trouve en haut du site.

    4. Answer
      CompatibilitéKit lumineux


      Pouvez vous s'il vous plait me dire si le kit lumineux est compatible avec le diabolo Beach Free (je ne l'ai pas trouvé ni ds es compatibles ni dans les incompatibles ...)

      Je vous remercie par avance .


      • Answer
        Re: CompatibilitéKit lumineux

        Je ne suis pas certains du kit lumineux dont vous parlez, mais ceux qu'on commercialise sur notre site à ce jour ne sont pas compatibles avec le diabolo Beach.

    5. Answer

      est ce qu il y a les baguettes et la ficelle avec le diabolo?

      • Answer
        Re: QUESTION

        bonjour dans le kit ya til la ficelle et le diabolo es t il lumineux

      • Answer
        Re: QUESTION


        Comme indiqué dans le descriptif, ce diabolo est vendu à l'unité, sans baguettes ni ficelle. Ce n'est pas un kit mais juste le diabolo.

        Ce diabolo n'est pas lumineux.


      • Answer
        Re: QUESTION

        non désolé il y a juste un diabolo et un chat

        téophane le grand fan

    6. Answer

      vraiment le plus beau disingn de Henrus waow waow waow mais pourquoi en avoir fait un diabolo moyen ? Si ils auraient fait un modèle au dimension du vision ou circus ce diabolo aurait fait fureur !

      • Answer
        Re: beau

        ses meilleur pour les niveaux intermédiaire

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