NetJuggler juggling scarf

This scarf is sold individually.
Juggling scarf:
This large juggling scarf is 70cm by 70cm.
It's made of nylon and its edges are sewn. It moves smoothly and slowly, it is an ideal accessory to learn how to juggle.

The scarves are often used by beginner jugglers because they are slowed down when falling through the air. This makes it easier to learn juggling movements and rhythms.

NetJuggler's opinion:
Both visual and pleasant to juggle with, the scarves move in the air in slow motion in comparison with other juggling props. These scarves are particularly appreciated by children, as well as by all those who like slow and wide movements!
For associations and schools: if you start teaching circus arts and juggling, scarves are almost mandatory in the sense that they are the most suitable prop on the way to learn how to juggle with three balls...

It usually happens this way: we explain to beginners how to juggle with two balls. Then when we add the third one and that's when things get complicated... We get the scarves out and we try to juggle with three scarves... And TA-DA it works so we go back to the balls and we're now juggling with three balls...
I am a little optimistic but I like to think that my explanation is going to grant immediate success;-) Some people learn very quickly, it takes longer for others, it depends on the age and ability to learn, and mostly the motivation to learn how to juggle. My explanation is just to give an idea of a possible order of things... Everybody has their own methods and ways to teach...

Technical characteristics:
- 70cm x 70cm.
- Material: Nylon.
- Colour information: from one arrival to another, scarve shades can vary slightly.
What kind of use ?
- This 70cmx70cm scarf will be ideal for people starting from 7/8 years old! It is large and will therefore fall down slower than smaller scarves. It is also more visual than scarves in 40cm x 40cm.
- Also ideal for circus initiation with people with reduced mobility, for psychomotric sessions as well as for rehabilitation.
- NetJuggler advises you to take 3 scarves per juggler:-)
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Bonjour !
Est-ce qu'il serait possible d'avoir une estimation de la période où il y aura un renouvellement de stock de couleur ?
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