Yo-yo protection bag
Item sold individually. By ordering this item you will only receive the bag (the yo-yos in our photos are only for demonstration and are not sold with the cover).
Velvet yo-yo bag:
Do you have a metallic yo-yo and realize that it needs to be protected when you walk around with it in your pocket? Or do you want to invest in a metallic yo-yo? This bag is made for you.
Know that metal yo-yos like to be pampered. They don't like to be stored with your keys.
NetJuggler's opinion:
This cover, made by Magic Yoyo, is cozy and will make your yo-yo feel safe.
Technical characteristics:
- Size: 9 cm x 10.5 cm.
- Closes with two tightening straps.
- Velvet touch.
- Black.
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