Fire Balls

Fire balls are very different from all other fire juggling disciplines. With the fire balls, you'll have to be meticulous and patient. The preparation time is long, it requires precision and the playing time is short compared to other disciplines. You will also have to wait between each session, because you will have to wait for the equipment to cool down before turning it on again.

At NetJuggler we believe that fire balls can be great to take pictures with a photographer because you will really look like you're handling a flame directly. And the visual effect can be interesting in a fire show for a WOW reaction ! Provided, however, that you have a person dedicated to the preparation of this material (soaking, lighting and to extinguish). Otherwise the technical constraints seem disproportionate to us if your objective is only to take pleasure in juggling this material.

Kevlar® gloves

Kevlar® gloves

Kevlar gloves to protect from heat when using fire equipment.

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