Foam items HomeGym and safetyFoam itemsRainbowBronzePastel RedPastel BlueYellowMulticolouredPinkOrangeRedPurpleBlueGreenBlackGreyWhitePhosphorescentTranslucentSilverGoldenBrown 437€00437€00Ramp and platform BLarge 350x1500mm foam ramp.Dimensions: 2150x1500x50 to 350mm. 262€00262€00Inclined Plane with Platform ASmall inclined plane with platform: 350x1000mm dimensions: 2000x1000x50 to 350mm. 235€00235€00Beam ModuleGymnastic beam module. dimensions: 1400x600x600mm. 176€00176€00Inclined Plane ModuleInclined gymnastics module. dimensions: 1400x600x600mm. 115€00105€00Double waveFoam module for motor skill exercices. 102€5099€43Foam rampFoam ramp for motor skills exercices. 120€00110€00Stairs foam module (4 steps)Foam module for motor skills exercices. 75€0070€003 Step StaircaseFoam module for motor skills training. 120€00120€00Mini beamMini foam gym module in the shape of a beam.Dimensions:800x500x400mm. Best selling of the moment 75€0070€003 Step StaircaseFoam module for motor skills training. 176€00176€00Inclined Plane Module 120€00110€00Stairs foam module (4 steps) 102€5099€43Foam ramp 262€00262€00Inclined Plane with Platform A