Balle de scènePAYETTE 100mm

Masse : 200g
PVC sans phtalates
PVC recyclable
Fabriqué en France


Buy juggling balls:

Here are the different categories of balls: There are many different models. If you don't know which model to choose and if you want durable equipment or serious juggling equipment, NetJuggler recommends the Varana 441 balls: 65mm


The choice of the balls remains very subjective. The ideal being to be able to choose your balls after trying them. This is not possible for everyone, so the table at the bottom of this page may help you, the content is subjective and given only as advice. You can ask your questions on each item page, if you need more help, give us a call ! :-)

Video made by Jean Manu for NetJuggler, it's been seen over 355 000 times!

Ball classification table:

3 balls
5 balls
More than 5 balls
Soft balls
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Silx balls
No point Excellent balls 78mm or more All sizes 67mm are the favourites
Russian balls
No point Matter of taste ***** Don't roll much Excellent Excellent
Bouncing balls
Excellent for passing G-Force or silicone Aerial or rebound Preferably rebound Rebound
Small balls
Easier Facilitates juggling with a lot of balls Larger = more visual Soft balls to learn -
Large balls
Less easy More visual - - -

Best selling of the moment

Juggling scarf 70cm x 70cm

Juggling scarf 70cm x 70cm

Discover juggling from 6 years old. Wide choice of colours.

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