Suko de Vivo

3295 Views | Fri 26th January 2018 | Wed 27th October 2021

Fire & sparkles show, dancing and martial arts.

The company made several fire shows:


Magical and bewitching, this show invites us to experience a subtle and explosive encounter.

With power and grace, the fire comes to life, and the sparks, in torrent and cascades, crackle and dance.

Behind a virtuoso technique, the complicity of the artists transports us to a universe where dreams step over reality.


An immersion in a martial universe.
The pure gesture, aesthetics and elegance of moving bodies, sublimated by fire.

Where harmony and power come to seize us, take us beyond words, where the human being becomes one with his breath.


In his solo show, Mathieu offers us all his experience and his love for martial arts and fire arts.

Swords, staffs, ropes and clubs ignite and dance to the rhythm of the Tao ... like an ancestral memory of Asia springing up into the modern world with brilliance, strength and sensitivity.


In her solo show, Gwenaëlle invites us into her world of dreams and magic.

From the intimate flame to the surprising explosions of sparks, from the joyful voluptuousness to the wild flight, the artist inspires us with beauty and the freedom to be.

Lullaby is a dance, a fascinating and bewitching encounter with the soul of fire.


  • Company website: Suko de Vivo
  • Artists: Mathieu Salaün and Gwenaëlle Baudoux
  • Email:


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