\ NAZ Company / Social Mechanics

2957 Views | Thu 19th October 2017 | Mon 1st November 2021

At the beginning; three NAZ, three individuals, three tools: ball, club and sound. The pieces fit together. Social Mechanics is set in motion. The performance is good, it works well, it's prefect. Until the system seizes up. Where does the failure come from? Of the individual, of the group, of the collective?
By dint of increasing the pace too much, of encouraging competition, of denying wear and tear: energy is becoming scarce. How to repair without going to the car scrapping?

At the genesis of this show: A trip to South America. Despite the explosion of their truck, nothing stops the NAZ. They continue their journey and practice the social circus. In their suitcase, they bring back memories including one, very vivid which says: & quot; TOGETHER everything is possible & quot ;.

On stage, the NAZ use their tools, music and juggling, to test the dynamics of the collective.


  • Compagnie des Naz
  • Artistique et technique: Pierre Marlin // Phone: // compagniedesnaz@hotmail.fr
  • Administratif et diffusion: Sophie Lafont // Phone: // naz.diffusion@hotmail.fr


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