\ NAZ-Solo Graphic Juggling Company

3357 Views | Wed 23rd September 2015 | Mon 1st November 2021

Duration: 10 minutes - All ages

At the initiative of this show, a story of wounded bodies.
Following an accident, the artist had to undergo treatment on both legs for more than a year. The white bandages around his legs reminded him of the white color of his clubs. When you suffer on a part of the body, it comes to the forefront of concerns, it becomes invested more than the others, put forward, important. The body breaks up.

For the artist, the legs then became very distinct elements of the whole body. If we imagine that a part of the body becomes a club, new creative paths open up. This is how new ideas germinated, giving birth to "Blanc".

This club juggling solo is an original approach around the body, shape and color. Clubs, body parts and colours merge, games of lines, curves and angles are set in motion to offer hypnotic visual effects. The custom-composed music follows each trajectory of movement, and takes the viewer to follow an intoxicating dance. "Blanc" is a current and graphic approach to juggling.

Credits of the Mécanique Sociale show:

  • Compagnie des Naz
  • Artistic and technical: Pierre Marlin // Tel: // compagniedesnaz@hotmail.fr
  • Administrative and dissemination: Sophie Lafont // Phone: // naz.diffusion@hotmail.fr


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