\ NAZ Company / - Three-way duality

2623 Views | Mon 13th October 2014 | Mon 1st November 2021

Duration: 20 minutes, all public, from 6 years old.

Contradiction, ambivalence, division, opposition...
We all have a duality.
In our thoughts, in our head,...
Everywhere, all the time.

It follows us, haunts us, influence our choises and guide our lives.

Fame, sex, money, power, freedom, love ... internal conflicts that push us aside and push us to know and cross our limits.

These dual thoughts take us, in constant ambivalence to confront ourselves.

How does our conscience act to make decisions, to make the right choice?

According to our desires? Our personality? Our past?

Is this duality really necessary in our logic of thought? Isn't it just another test of being ourselves?

Isn't it basically fictitious?

These questions have nagged the minds of our artists, without answering them, they offer their approaches and their vision on the question, because it is for each one to explore the meanders of their thoughts.

Duration: 10 minutes - All public

This show was initiated by a story of a wounded body.
Following an accident, the artist had to undergo treatment on both legs, for over a year. The white bandages around his legs reminded him of the white colour of his clubs. When we suffer on a part of the body, it comes to the forefront of your concerns, put forward, it becomes important. The body breaks up.

For the artist, the legs then became very distinct parts of the whole body. If we imagine that parts of the body becomes a club, new creative paths open up. This is how new ideas sprouted, giving birth to "Blanc".

This club juggling solo is an original approach to the body, shapes and colours. Clubs, body parts and colours merge, playing with lines, curves and angles, it comes into play, to offer hypnotic visual effects. The music, composed for the show, follows each trajectory of movement, and takes the spectator to follow an intoxicating dance. "Blanc" is a contemporary and pictoral approach to juggling.


  • NAZ company
  • Artistique et technique: Pierre Marlin // Phone: // compagniedesnaz@hotmail.fr
  • Administratif et diffusion: Sophie Lafont // Phone: // naz.diffusion@hotmail.fr


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