Bigoud'N'Jongle 2022

2094 Views | Sun 16th October 2022 | Mon 17th October 2022

In 2022 the Bigoud'n'Jongle took place from May 26 to 29. Here are some souvenirs.

The Bigoud'n 'Jongle is a juggling convention which takes place at the sports complex of Vezin-le-Coquet, next to Rennes (35) every year.

But what is a juggling convention?

Conventions are gatherings of jugglers from all walks of life, giving rise to all kinds of festive and juggling events, aimed as much at entertaining as at allowing the sharing knowledge. In addition to always being a moment of rejoicing, conventions are, in the opinion of jugglers, the best way to progress. There are many agreements in France: Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Angers, Poitiers…

History of the Bigoud'n'jongle

Since 2016, La Bigoud’n’Jongle has opened up to the arts of the track in a more general way and offers areas for training aerial exercises and acrobatics.

The Rennes Convention was born in 1996, organized by the association of Rennes jugglers Jongle et Rit. The project was abandoned in 2004, before being taken over by the same association in 2007, on this occasion the convention took the name of Bigoud’N’Jongle.

Programme de l'édition 2022

Jeudi 26 mai 202218hOuverture du site
Vendredi 27 mai15hSpectacle : clown et fil
Mirabon et Dentelles – cie La Conserverie
19hScène ouverte
Samedi 28 mai14hSpectacle : jonglerie
23hConcert / Bal Folk
Le Mangebal
Dimanche 29 mai15hJeux de la jongle
18hFermeture du site


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