Tutorial Cuphead 2.0 Advanced Tricks

3619 Views | Sun 28th May 2023 | Wed 31th May 2023


In the beginning, while manipulating the Cupheads about 15 years ago, Jay Gilligan noticed that to release the ball from the cup, a small Multiplex could be performed where the club passes to the other side.

Synchronization of Throw and Catch

When he throws them, they are thrown at the same time, reach the same height in the air, and consequently, land at the same time in his hands.

First Pattern with Three Clubs and One Ball

He started experimenting with a pattern using three clubs and one ball. In this configuration, the clubs perform a one-spin pattern while the ball stays on one side.

Experimentation with the Pattern

He realized that the ball could be on either side of the pattern as it is symmetrical. So, he learned to do it with the ball in his right hand as well. Then he thought about having one ball on each side and creating a configuration with five objects.

Challenges with Synchronization

However, when he tried to perform this pattern with one ball on each side, he couldn't make each side happen quickly enough. It had something to do with the synchronization of the catches.

Discovery of a New Grip

After a year of practice, he realized that by holding the club by the body instead of the handle, he could make the objects reach different heights and, consequently, land at different times.

Experimentation with Multiplex

Once he discovered that he could hold the club by the body, he was able to perform a Multiplex where the club goes higher than the ball. This allowed him to create the desired pattern where the ball falls first.

Discovery of the Flat Throw

The first version of the five-object configuration he successfully achieved was a flat throw. It was very challenging, and he had to learn how to start and stop the pattern.

Transition to Normal Flips

Later, he discovered that he could perform a normal flip instead of a flat throw. It was much easier, but for some reason, he didn't try it at the beginning.


It took him two years to discover all of this, which allowed him to understand how the mechanics of these Cupheads work with other objects and how different variables like multiplexes with different timings, heights, and patterns can be manipulated. By embracing the mindset of seeing failures as opportunities to learn and improve, he was able to unlock a whole new world of technique with the Cupheads.


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