[JUGFILM] Juggling studies to pacify the heart

1966 Views | Sun 17th September 2023 | Wed 13th September 2023

Video Title: Juggling studies to pacify the heart

Video presented as part of the video competition: Juggling Film Festival 2023

Competition Information: You will have between 60 and 90 seconds to captivate and move the audience.

The competition videos were screened on August 31, 2023, at the Dietrich cinema in Poitiers on a 12-meter screen as part of the national juggling convention organized by the Mamagabe association, which took place in Poitiers in 2023.

Information about juggler Barbara Francesquine:

A self-taught artist in the manipulation of hula hoops, she also dedicates herself to the study of dance in order to find new possibilities for creation and movement. She is currently working on her solo projects and in the Triskle Project show, with Gustavo Ollitta and Alexandre Salomão. At the same time, she collaborates with several circus companies and is part of the Maya-Lila and Biolumini collectives. She has participated in numerous national and international festivals and cabarets. As a teacher, she has been teaching hoop creation and technique to beginners and advanced students all over Brazil since 2011, as well as in Madrid, Berlin, and Italy. In Brazil, she was awarded the Proac Prize for Circus Act Production in 2011 for her fire hoops act, and in 2014, she received the Funarte Circus Prize and the São Paulo Circus Promotion Prize, both for her act "Meus Tons de Mulher," which uses painted hoops. Since 2014, she has been conducting research and productions in the field of video-dance in collaboration with filmmaker Alexandre Salomão. In 2015, she was the producer and director of the III Brazilian Hoop Convention.

Information about the video:

Contact: bfrancesquine@yahoo.com.br

Barbara Francesquine, Brazil 2023

Website: www.jugfilm.com

There were 26 entries for the 2023 festival

Position: 7/14

Score: 10 points out of 204 points



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