[JUGFILM] JJorge Vilchis / Conejo lunar

1701 Views | Sun 17th September 2023 | Fri 1st September 2023

Video Title: Jjorge Vilchis Mexico / Conejo lunar

Video presented as part of the video competition: Juggling Film Festival 2023

Competition Information: You will have between 60 and 90 seconds to captivate and move the audience.

The competition videos were screened on August 31, 2023, at the Dietritch Cinema in Poitiers on a 12-meter screen as part of the national juggling convention organized by the Mamagabe association, which took place in Poitiers in 2023.

Information about juggler Jorge Vilchis: Jorge Vilchis (born in 1986) is one of the most influential and important jugglers in Latin America today, both as a performer and a teacher. He is originally from Toluca, Mexico, and is the founder of the renowned performance troupe "Conejo Lunar" (Moon Rabbit). Jorge played a key role in guiding the IJA toward a strong international presence and reach. In 2014, Jorge took over the leadership of the IJA's Tricks of the Month video program for eJuggle, originally founded by Erin Stephens. This program has featured over 200 jugglers from around the world and has been instrumental in uniting the international juggling community. Jorge is the official IJA Mexican Representative and is an organizer for the IJA Regional Competitions.

Contact: jorge_top23@hotmail.com

Website: www.jugfilm.com

There were 26 entries for the 2023 festival



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