Shiva passing is a juggling discipline practiced in duo where the two bodies merge to become a simple 4-armed juggler. Difficulty should only be in the service of the visual impact, all with a constant search for the systematization of patterns and the fluidity of tricks.
This Juggletube space is a place of exchange and sharing, do not hesitate to publish your Shiva Passing videos there. NetJuggler would like to thank Raphael Caputo (Metlili) for his many contributions to this Juggletube space. You will find through these videos many inspirations for your Shiva passing patterns.
What we like about Shiva passing is the "hyper accessibility" of certain tricks which make it a powerful teaching tool for beginners who have never juggled before. In a few minutes, you can achieve simple and aesthetic exchanges with very little technique. We can only advise you to "take part in real life" in a Shiva passing workshop organized by Raphael Caputo.